Neurodegenerative disease

Domain : Diagnosis

Category : My daily life

Simplified definition

A disease that gradually kills brain neurons, thus leading to memory loss, difficulties in carrying out daily tasks, and difficulties in interacting with the environment.

Source: Houria Aiouaz, for Alzheimer Foundation

Referenced definition

“A chronic progressive neurologic disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) in which a degenerative process is found upon clinical and neuropathologic evaluation.”

Source: Termium Plus. Neurodegenerative disease. [Internet]. Jan 2012 [cited on Sept 7, 2022]. 


“Each type of neurodegenerative disease has its own unique pattern and development in each person. Also, each person has a unique health profile. Some people may be relatively healthy, [sic] and others may have several co-existing health issues.”

Source: : Cleveland Clinic. Dementia. [Internet]. [cited on Sept 7, 2022]. 


  • This term refers to several diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, fronto-temporal degeneration, Lewy body dementia, or multiple sclerosis.


Neurodegenerative disease : RELATED DEFINITIONS


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