The Lifetime Achievement Award of Fondation Alzheimer honors physicians and scientists for their major contributions to Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer related disorders research. The award is given to individuals with an outstanding record of accomplishment in any of the following areas: basic research, clinical and translational research, social and health care research. The lifetime achievement can be through a unique breakthrough or through recurring contributions, both having a global impact in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer related disorders.

/ Applicant profile
- A scientist or a physician, with an international track record in Alzheimer’s disease or Alzheimer related disorders
- To be nominated by another expert in the field or by an academic institution
- Latest affiliation in a French academic research laboratory or clinical unit
- Be either active in late/end career stage or already retired
- All disciplines are eligible, including biology, imaging, genetics, chemistry, medicine, clinical research, public health, economy, sociology, ethics, etc.
- No nationality requirement
- Posthumus nomination are not accepted.
/ Research projet
Research contribution should be in the fields of Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, Parkinson dementia, frontotemporal dementia, corticobasal syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy, primary progressive aphasia (all types), and posterior cortical atrophy. The Fondation Alzheimer encourages strongly open science, lay public dissemination and patient involvement in research.
/ Budget
The amount is of 25 000€.
/ Submission
The candidate cannot apply for him/herself, applications are by nomination only. The application must be submitted by the nominator in English via Proposal Central:
/ Calendar
- Submission deadline: April 4th 2025, 23:59 (Paris time)
- Selection period: May-June 2025
- Award ceremony: December 2025, during the annual scientific meeting
/ Selection
The selection by the Scientific Advisory Board of Fondation Alzheimer is based on the candidate career, research achievements and global impact (ex: research breakthroughs, international collaborations, participation to open science, mentorship, publication track record, etc.).
The Board reserves its right not to grant awards if applications do not meet the selection criteria.
/ Supporting documents
- Full application in English in Proposal Central
- Biosketch of the candidate in English
- Biosketch of the nominator in English
- Letter of support from the nominator in English
- Two reference letters from international experts