Advancing Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer related diseases research
Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia constitute one of the most important medical, social and societal challenges in the world. It is essential to better understand the fundamental mechanisms of this disease and to accelerate the transfer of discoveries to humans. Facilitating research and innovation beyond the scope of current knowledge to generate new hypotheses is a priority for us.
Through its 2025 call for projects, the Fondation Alzheimer supports innovative and/or at risk projects in the field of Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer related diseases.

/ Applicant profile
- Applicants holding a tenure track position in a French academic research laboratory
- Applicants working in the field of Alzheimer’s disease and related diseases
/ Research projet
Research contribution should cover the fields of Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, Parkinson dementia, frontotemporal dementia, corticobasal syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy, primary progressive aphasia (all types), and posterior cortical atrophy. Considering the importance of sex/gender within these fields, such factor should be assessed while addressing the main scientific question.
In addition, the Fondation Alzheimer encourages open science and patient and public involvement in the research projects.
The applicant is designated as project coordinator, signing the agreement and being responsible for monitoring the project.
/ Budget
Projects are funded for a maximum of 36 months. The maximum allocated budget of 300 000€ per project can include all types of costs, with the exception of indirect costs. Personnel cost already covered by other funds are not eligible.
/ Submission
The letter of intent (LOI) must be submitted in English via ProposalCentral. Please note that you need an ORCID account to complete the application process.
/ Calendar
- Submission deadline: March 7th 2025, 23:59 (Paris time)
- Evaluation period: April-June 2025
FULL PROPOSAL (if LOI selected)
- Submission deadline: September 30th 2025, 23:59 (Paris time)
- Evaluation period: October-November 2025
- Project start date: January 2026
/ Selection
The selection by the Scientific Advisory Board of Fondation Alzheimer is based on the applicant profile, the excellence of the proposed research project, as well as the innovative contribution to the field.
/ Supporting documents
- Full application in English in Proposal Central
- Applicant biosketch in English
- Biosketch of key collaborators in English if applicable
- Preliminary data if applicable